Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Learn How to Care For Betta Fish

Freshwater fish are probably the easiest fish to care for. However, if you plan to stock your aquarium with some of the exotic fish, you really need to learn how to care for Betta fish.

You will need the right size tank for the amount and type of fish you plan on purchasing, proper lighting, gravel, plants, an air pump etc. You cannot just put fish in a water tank and expect them to thrive.

Freshwater fish generally need to be fed about twice daily. You should only put enough food in the tank that can be consumed within the first two to five minutes. It is not uncommon for the novice to over feed the fish and that is not a good thing to do as it will quickly dirty the tank.

When you learn how to care for Betta fish, you will also have a good idea on what to do with the rest of the fish you stock in your tank. The exotic fish variety is not as hardy as a gold fish, need a bit more watching, and care from you.

You need to understand that not all fish are compatible with each other. The male Betta fish can get a little aggressive at times and go after some of the other fish in the tank. They are, after all, what is called a fighting fish.

When you learn how to care for your Betta fish you will acquire much more enjoyment when you sit and watch them in the tank. On reason is because you now know you are doing things right for them and are learning the correct ways to keep them safe.

I remember one day I found a real cool looking rock outside and decided I wanted to put it in the aquarium. I knew enough to realize I could not just drop it in the tank, I had to clean it first.

I boiled the rock for about an hour and then cooled it off in some cold water before inserting it in my fish tank. Everything was good for about two days and then all my fish died. I later found out that that particular rock should never be put into an aquarium, it did something very bad to the PH factor of the water and the exotic fish could not handle the change.

There is more to learn how to care for Betta fish than just putting them into the aquarium. If you overcrowd the fish tank it will cause the fish to suffer from stress. You will recognize that when you see slow moving and lethargic fish.

You will also want to change out the water every so often. Change out only about a third of the water at a time. Make sure you wash your hands first and try not to disturb the fish too much. Remember, you are in their world now and they do not like to be disturbed.

When you actually do learn how to care for Betta fish you will have hours of enjoyment watching them interact with each other in the fish tank. The more you understand their needs the happier they will be and the longer they will live.

Freshwater fish are a joy and a privilege to watch. When you learn how to care for Betta fish you will have hours of enjoyment observing them in their aquarium.

Do not let the care and feeding of your Betta fish, and your other exotic fish, go to chance from your possible ignorance as to what you should be doing to care for them.

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